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Bild på Fjällbacka, havet och bodar. Typical Fjällbacka houses


Find your local farmacy, medical assistance or material for you car or boat.

This is to help you find the essentials to make your Fjällbacka experience go as smooth as possible.


Fjällbacka Medical Center

If you need medical assistance or prescribtions.

Open during the weedays office hours.

You have to call to make your appointment

Nestorsvägen 1

457 40 Fjällbacka

+46 (0)10-441 51 00

In case of emergency

call 112

Vårdcentral Fjällbacka. Medical assistance


Pharmacy, Apoteksgruppen

Apoteksgruppen, the pharmacy in our town center close to the grocery store Coop. Sunscreen, painkillers, vitamins etc.

Allégatan 19

457 40 Fjällbacka

+46 (0)525-316 90

Pharmacy Fjällbacka Apotek medicin, solkräm åksjuketabletter


Public transport

Download the app "Västtrafik to go" there you can plan your trip and buy tickets.

With Västtrasik you can also go out on a boat tour on the Fjällbacka archipelago aswell as stop on an island then get back


To book call the post boat:

+46 (0)708 42 14 74

Bus station

Falkevägen 8

457 40 Fjällbacka

Västtrafik, lokaltrafik public service


Unmanned gas & petrol station, walking distance from town center.

OPEN 24/7 all year

Gamla Stämmenvägen 1

457 41 Fjällbacka

+46 (0)42-24 84 00

Gas and petrol station. Bensinstation, tanka bilen


Grocery Store, COOP & POST OFFICE

Food and everything else a supermarket offer. Also very good service, kind & helpful clerks.

Here you also find the postoffice to collect or send packages and letters.

If you want to order alcoholic beverages online, Systembolaget, can be collected here.

Jasminvägen 2

457 40 Fjällbacka

+46 (0)10-747 02 60

COOP & POSTOFFICE Food store mataffär



Come and read book and newspapers,

borrow a computor, prinouts and more.

Nestorsvägen 2

457 40 Fjällbacka

+46 (0)525-180 70

Fjällbacka Bibliotek. Library


Sea Rescue, Fjällbacka

When you need planed assistance out at sea or on an island


Södra Hamngatan 31

457 40 Fjällbacka

Preventive emergency / Emergency +46 (0)705-80 81 57

In case of emergency

call 112

bogsering_fjällbacka sjöräddningen

Fjällbacka Church


A place for reflection and spiritual


Check events or their website for

church service.



Kyrkvägen 5

457 40 Fjällbacka

+46 (0)525 64000

In case of emergency or emergency support call 112

Fjällbacka Kyrka. Church


Macken Fjällbacka

Rental of Trailers, Trailers, Rental car and Skylift in Fjällbacka Tanum Municipality.

Motor oil, tire pump and more essentials that you might bneed for your boat, car or camper.


Cigarettes & snuff. Svenska Spel includes well-known brands, such as Lotto, Triss, Stryktipset, Oddset.

Dinglevägen 13

457 40 Fjällbacka

+46 (0)525-310 88

Macken Fjällbacka. Car service


Widelius Marine Service

Widelius Marine Service offers sales of accessories and spare parts, as well as engine sales. Authorized workshop for Yamaha, Yanmar and Evinrude. Also stocks service parts for Volvo Penta

Norra Hamngatan 10

45740 Fjällbacka

+46 (0)525310 33

Widelius Marin Service, båtservice

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